Presentations In Conferences & Extended Abstracts

(these presentations do NOT include peer reviewed publications)


[b124] Mazzucchelli M, Moulas E, Schmalholz S, Kaus B, Speck T (2024) Precipitation in fluid-mineral systems under differential stress investigated through molecular dynamics. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2024)  

[b123] Porkoláb K, Moulas E, Schmalholz S (2024) Numerical modelling of antigorite dehydration at 3 GPa: reaction-induced stress variations and effects of tectonic forcing. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2024)  

[b122] Schorn S, Moulas E (2024) Constraining latent heat of hydration using combined thermal- and garnet diffusion modelling. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2024)

[b121] Ibragimov I, Moulas E (2024) A thermo-mechanical model of the thermal evolution and incorporation of the metamorphic sole in the Oman ophiolite.  European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2024)

[b120] Moulas E, Stüwe K (2024) Distinguishing cooling histories via Diffusion Geospeedometry.  European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2024)


[b119] Bachmayr M, Boisserée S, Moulas E, (2023) An adaptive space-time method for transient porous media flow models. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b118] Moulas E, Bachmayr M (2023) Petrology as an ill-posed inverse problem. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b117] Mazzucchelli M, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2023) Fluid-mineral equilibrium under stress: insight from molecular dynamics. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b116] Moulas E, Bachmayr (2023) Petrology as an ill-posed problem. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b115] Stroh A, Moulas E, Botcharnikov R (2023) Constraining the rates of olivine crystal growth with diffusion chronometry. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b114] Ibragimov I, Moulas E (2023) A systematic investigation of ophiolite obduction resulting from the closure of small oceanic basins. SCALES conference, Mainz (June 2023)

[b113] Ruttmann M, Botcharnikov R, Moulas E, Buhre S, Kostopoulos D, Pomonis P (2023) Mobility of Cr during partial melting of water-bearing depleted harzburgite. DMG Meeting, (May 2023)

[b112] Ibragimov I, Moulas E (2023) A systematic investigation of ophiolite obduction resulting from the closure of small oceanic basins. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b111] Burg J-P, Moulas E (2023) Cooling-rate constraints from metapelites across two inverted metamorphic sequences of the Alpine-Himalayan belt; evidence for viscous heating. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b110] Jamtveit B, Moulas E, Kaus B (2023) Dynamic Pressure Variations in the Lower Crust Caused by Localized Fluid-Induced Weakening. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b109] Schorn S, Moulas E, Stüwe K (2023) Hot when wet: the consequences of exothermic hydration on geochronology. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b108] Jamtveit B, Moulas E, Kaus B (2023) Dynamic Pressure Variations in the Lower Crust Caused by Localized Fluid-Induced Weakening. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b107] Khakimova L, Moulas E, Utkin I, Podladchikov Y (2023) Nonlinear Multi-Component Maxwell-Stefan Diffusion Model In Deforming Rocks: Chemo-Mechanical Coupling. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b106] Mazzucchelli M, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2023) Fluid-mineral equilibrium under stress: insight from molecular dynamics. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b105] Moulas E, Vershinin A, Zingerman K, Levin V, Podladchikov Y (2023) Numerical and analytical solutions for the large-strain elastoplastic Lame problem and its geological applications. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b104] Tagliaferri A, Moulas E, Schmalholz SM, Schenker FL (2023) Garnet compositional re-adjustment: cooling rate constraint in metapelites from the Lepontine dome (Central European Alps). European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b103] Stroh A, Moulas E, Botcharnikov R (2023) Constraining the rates of olivine crystal growth with diffusion chronometry. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)

[b102] Kiss D, Moulas E, Kaus B, Berlie N, Riel N (2023) Numerical modeling of magmatic transport processes, using the pseudo-transient method. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2023)


[b101] Stroh A, Moulas E, Botcharnikov R (2022) Constraining the rates of olivine crystal growth with diffusion chronometry. Joint meeting of The DMG sections Geochemistry and Petrology/Petrophysics. Mainz, Germany

[b100] Ibragimov I, Moulas E (2022) Geodynamic constraints on ophiolite emplacement. Joint meeting of The DMG sections Geochemistry and Petrology/Petrophysics. Mainz, Germany

[b99] Mazzucchelli ML, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2022) Effect of nonhydrostatic stress on mineral-fluid equilibria assessed by molecular dynamics. Joint meeting of The DMG sections Geochemistry and Petrology/Petrophysics. Mainz, Germany

[b98] Mazzucchelli ML, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2022). The influence of non-hydrostatic stress on mineral equilibria: insights from molecular dynamics. Congresso congiunto SIMP-SGI. Torino, Italy

[b97] Mazzucchelli ML, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2022) The effect of non-hydrostatic stress on mineral-fluid equilibria investigated by molecular dynamics. General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Lyon, France

[b96] Mazzucchelli ML, Geddo Z, Gonzalez J, Moulas E (2022) Statistical analysis of the residual strain of inclusions measured by Raman spectroscopy. General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Lyon, France

[b95] Mazzucchelli ML, Angel, RJ, Moulas E (2022) Elastic barometry: state of the art. General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Lyon, France

[b94] Ruttmann M, Botcharnikov R, Stroh A, Moulas E, Buhre S (2022) Extraction of Cr during Mantle Melting: Experimental Constraints on the role of Peridotite Composition and the Effect of H2O. GeoMin Köln 2022

[b93] Ruttmann M, Botcharnikov R, Moulas E, Buhre S (2022) Enrichment and transport of Cr in magmatic systems in the mantle and crust Phase 1: Chromium enrichment during mantle melting. 2nd DOME assembly

[b92] Kiss D, Moulas E, Rummel L, Kaus B (2022) Insights on the role of thermal stresses during the evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems around upper crustal intrusions, based on 2D thermo-mechanical-chemical coupled numerical models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b91] Mazzucchelli M, Moulas E, Kaus B, Speck T (2022) The influence of non-hydrostatic stress on mineral equilibria: insights from Molecular Dynamics. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b90] Schmalholtz SM, Moulas E, Räss L, Müntener O (2022) Formation of olivine veins by dehydration during viscously deforming serpentinite: a numerical study. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b89] Khakimova L, Moulas E, Podladchikov Y (2022) Thermo-chemo-mechanical coupling in Maxwell-Stefan multi-component diffusion. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b88] Ibragimov I, Moulas E (2022) Geodynamic constraints on ophiolite emplacement. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b87] Luisier C, Yamato P, Marschall H, Moulas E, Duretz T (2022) Eclogitization of the Allalin gabbro under heterogeneous stress conditions. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).

[b86] Moulas E, Zingerman K, Vershinin A, Levin V, Podladchikov Y (2022) Large-strain elastoplastic formulations for host-inclusion systems with applications to elasto-thermobarometry and geodynamic models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2022, online).


[b85] Ruttmann M, Botcharnikov R, Moulas E, Buhre S (2021) Enrichment and transport of Cr in magmatic systems in the mantle and crust. DMG meeting.

[b84] Moulas E, Zingerman K, Vershinin A, Levin V, Podladchikov Y (2021) Large strain formulations for host-inclusion systems and their applications to mineral elastic geobarometry. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2021, online).

[b83] Schmalholz S, Moulas E, Podladchikov Y (2021) Melting and dynamic pressure: coupling of reactions, heat transfer and deformation. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2021, online).

[b82] Kiss D, Moulas E, Rummel L, Kaus B (2021) 2D thermo-mechanical-chemical coupled numerical models of interactions between a cooling magma chamber and a visco-elastic host rock . European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2021, online).

[b81] Tajcmanova L, Podladchikov Y, Moulas E (2021) The choice of a thermodynamic formulation dramatically affects modelled chemical zoning in minerals. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2021, online).


[b80] Stroh A, Moulas E, Botcharnikov R, Hou T, Buhre S (2020) Inverse modelling for the estimate of cooling rates in magmatic processes. Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG) meeting (online).

[b79] Moulas E (2020) Calculating pressures from elastic barometry: Implications for the development of grain scale stress variations at geological conditions. International (online) workshop “Interplay between mineral reactions and deformation” (September 2020, Heidelberg) Germany


[b78] Moulas E, Kostopoulos D, Chatzitheodoridis (2019) Metamorphic Pressures from Elastic Geobarometry: A novel formalism with application to the Rhodope Metamorphic Province, Greece. Geomünster 2019 (September 2019, Münster) Germany

[b77] Moulas E, (2019) Stress and its relaxation from mineral to lithospheric scales. The 2019 Njord Seminar, “Earthquakes in the Lower Crust”, Holsnoy (Norway), June 5-7 2019

[b76]  Moulas E, (2019) Grain-scale stresses and metamorphic phase equilibriaGMPV Division Outstanding ECS Lecture. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b75]  Jamtveit B, Moulas E, Petley-Ragan A, Andersen TB, Austrheim H, Corfu F, Dunkel K, Schmalholz SMS, (2019) High Pressure metamorphism caused by fluid induced weakening of deep continental crust. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b74]  Vaughan-Hammon JD, Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, (2019) Numerical two-wedge model applied to the Alpine orogeny. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b73]  Schmidt K, Tajcmanova L, Vrijmoed J, Moulas E, Zhong X, Plumper O, Smit M, (2019) Mechanically-controlled chemical zoning and its preservation in high-temperature minerals from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b72]  Schmalholz SMS, Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, Bessat A (2019) Non-lithostatic pressure and its causes by thermal, hydrological, mechanical and chemical processes. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b71]  Cionoiu S, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, (2019) Influence of material heterogeneities on the phase transformation distribution under deformation. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.

[b70]  Moulas E, Sokoutis D, Willingshofer E, (2019) Pressure build-up and stress variations within the earth’s crust in the light of analogue models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2019, Vienna) Austria.


[b69]  Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, Podladchikov Y, Tajcmanova L, Kostopoulos D, Baumgartner L, (2018) Relation between mean stress, thermodynamic and lithostatic pressure. 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2018, Bern) Switzerland.

[b68]  Vaughan-Hammon JD, Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, (2018) Numerical two-wedge model applied to the Alpine orogeny. 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2018, Bern) Switzerland.

[b67] Cionoiu S, Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Stunitz H, (2018) Phase transitions under differential stress: Deviatoric stresses or pressure? European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b66] Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, (2018) Mechanically-controlled rock-microstructures: Witnesses of the long-term stress-state in the continental lithosphere. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b65] Kaatz L, Zertani S, Moulas E, John T, Labrousse L ,Andersen TB, (2018) Evolution of hydrous shear zones during incipient eclogitization of metastable dry and rigid lower crust (Holsnoy, Western Norway). European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b64] Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, Kaatz L, John T, Andersen TB, Labrousse L, (2018) Impact of weak zone geometry on pressure variations and potential implications for variation of mineral assemblages. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b63] Moulas E, (2018) Pressure variations in viscous boudinage. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b62]  Zhong X, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, (2018) Pressure relaxation of mineral inclusion: when inclusion pressure can be used for Raman barometry? European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b61]  Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, Podladchikov Y, Tajcmanova L, Kostopoulos D, Baumgartner L (2018) Pressure calculations in metamorphic systems and geodynamic models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b60]  Vaughan-Hammon J, Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, (2018) Numerical two-wedge model applied to the Alpine orogeny. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.

[b59]  Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, Brandon MT, (2018) Analytical two-wedge corner flow model for tectonic nappe evolution in collisional orogens. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2018, Vienna) Austria.


[b58]  Moulas E, Schmalholz SMS, Brandon MT, (2017) Analytical two-wedge corner flow model for tectonic nappe evolution in collisional orogens. 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2017, Davos) Switzerland.

[b57] Schmidt K, Vrijmoed J, Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, (2017) Mechanically controlled chemical zoning in UHP garnets from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2017, Davos) Switzerland.

[b56] Cionoiu S, Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Stunitz H, (2017) Stress distribution in samples from solid confining medium deformation experiments: An experimental and numerical study. 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2017, Davos) Switzerland.

[b55] Schmidt K, Vrijmoed J, Tajcmanova L,Moulas E, (2017) Preservation of prograde zonation in UHP garnets: Mechanically-controlled microstructure or sluggish kinetics? European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b54] Cionoiu S, Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Stunitz H, (2017) Stress distribution in samples from solid confining medium deformation experiments: An experimental and numerical study. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b53] Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, (2017) Unconventional rheometry: new quantification approach for mechanically-controlled microstructures. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b52] Zhong X, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, (2017) Rheo-speedometer: constraining the exhumation rate using inclusion-host system with visco-elastic rheology. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b51] Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, Tajcmanova L, (2017) The Geodynamic Equation of State in thermo-mechanical models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b50] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2017) Short-lived thermal peak from garnet geospeedometry in the inverted metamorphic gradient of the Nestos Thrust in the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (RMC). European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.

[b49] Kostopoulos D, Moulas E, (2017) Heat budgets of crustal and mantle rocks revealed by exchange thermometers involving cations with differing diffusivities. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2017, Vienna) Austria.


[b48] Wenning Q, Madonna C, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2016) Petrophysical properties through a Grimsel granodiorite shear zone – Implications for geothermal reservoir evaluation and modelling. 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2016, Geneva) Switzerland.

[b47] Zhong X, Moulas E, Vrijmoed J, Tajcmanova L, (2016) A coupled model on chemical diffusion and mechanical deformation with application to an inclusion-host system. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference (EMC – September 2016, Rimini) Italy.

[b46] Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, Tajcmanova L, (2016) Phase transitions in numerical models. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference (EMC – September 2016, Rimini) Italy.

[b45] Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Vrijmoed J, Zhong X, (2016) Interplay between chemical diffusion and deformation. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference (EMC – September 2016, Rimini) Italy.

[b44] Moulas E, Podladchikov Y, Tajcmanova L, (2016) Phase transitions in numerical models of crustal deformation. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.

[b43] Moulas E, Madonnna C, (2016) Perm-Fit: a new program to estimate permeability at high P-T conditions. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.

[b42] Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, Vrijmoed JC, (2016) Metamorphic geology: Why should we care? European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.

[b41] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, Burg, JP, (2016) Duration of inverted metamorphic sequence formation across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust (MCT), Sikkim. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.

[b40] Zhong X, Vrijmoed JC, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, (2016) A coupled model between mechanical deformation and chemical diffusion: An explanation for the preservation of chemical zonation in plagioclase at high temperatures. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.

[b39] Tisato N, Goodfellow SD, Moulas E, DiToro G, Young P, Grasselli G, (2016) Acoustic emissions in rock-deformation experiments under micro-CT. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2016, Vienna) Austria.


[b38] Zhong X, Vrijmoed J, Tajcmanova L, Moulas E, (2015) On coupling viscous relaxation and chemical diffusion under grain scale pressure variation. Geotectonic Research, v.97, 1, pp. 106-107.

[b37] Moulas E, Burg JP, Podladchikov Y, (2015) The role of viscosity heterogeneities in the development of pressure variations. Geotectonic Research, v.97, 1, pp. 73-74.

[b36] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, Burg JP, (2015) Duration of inverted metamorphic sequence formation across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust (MCT), Sikkim. 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2015, Basel) Switzerland.

[b35] Moulas E, Madonna C, (2015) Perm-Fit: a new program to estimate permeability at high P-T conditions. 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2015, Basel) Switzerland.

[b34] Moulas E, Tajcmanova L, Vrijmoed J, (2015) Grain-Scale Pressure Variations: Feasibility, Theory and applications. Geological Society of America meeting (November 2015, Baltimore) USA.

[b33] Moulas E, Kydonakis K, (2015) GPYU-3: A 3D numerical code to estimate inter-seismic elastic deformation. The Volcanic and Geodynamic field of South Aegean (May 2015, Santorini) Greece.

[b32] Moulas E, Tajčmanová L, Vrijmoed J, Podladchikov YY, (2015) Diffusion and thermodynamic equilibrium under pressure variations. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2015, Vienna) Austria.

[b31] Moulas E, Burg JP, Schenker FL, Kostopoulos DK, Chatzitheodoridis E, (2015) Metamorphic conditions and exhumation of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome – Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (Greece-Bulgaria). European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2015, Vienna) Austria.

[b30] Tajčmanová L, Moulas E, Vrijmoed J, Podladchikov YY, (2015) Can grain-scale pressure variations provide direct constraints on rheology? European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2015, Vienna) Austria.

[b29] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2015) Geospeedometry in the inverted metamorphic gradient of the Nestos Thrust Zone in Central Rhodope (Northern Greece). European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2015, Vienna) Austria.


[b28] Moulas E, Brandon M, Podladchikov Y, Bennet RA, (2014) Using the Vertical Component of the Surface Velocity Field to Map the Locked Zone at Cascadia Subduction Zone. AGU Fall meeting (December 2014, San Fransisco) USA.

[b27] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2014) Geospeedometry in inverted metamorphic gradients of the Nestos thrust zone in central Rhodope (Northern Greece).12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2014, Fribourg) Switzerland.

[b26] Vasilopanagos C, Moulas E, Kostopoulos DK, (2014) Subcontinental mantle peridotites exposed amidst the External Hellenides, S. Peloponnesus, Greece & Their Geotectonic Significance. 8th ISEMG (October 2014, Muğla) Turkey.

[b25] Moulas E, Burg JP, Kostopoulos DK, Schenker FL, (2014) Lithosphere-scale geodynamics in the Rhodope: assumptions and implications. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2014, Vienna) Austria.

[b24] Moulas E, Burg JP, Podladchikov YY, (2014) Tectonic stress and pressure fields in and out of elliptical inclusions. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2014, Vienna) Austria.

[b23] Raess L, Omlin S, Moulas E, Simon N, Podladchikov YY, (2014) Multi-GPU Accelerated Simulation of Dynamically Evolving Fluid Pathways. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2014, Vienna) Austria.


[b22] Moulas E, Burg JP, Podladchikov YY, (2013) Rheology-driven phase equilibria and and the in-situ formation of high-pressure rocks. 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2013, Lausanne) Switzerland.

[b21] Cioldi S, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2013) Geospeedometry of inverted metamorphic gradients of a crustal-scale thrust zone: first approach. 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2013, Lausanne) Switzerland.

[b20] Moulas E, Burg JP, Kostopoulos DK, Schenker FL, Chatzitheodoridis E, (2013) Metamorphic conditions and exhumation of the Keshebir-Kardamos dome – Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (Greece-Bulgaria). 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2013, Lausanne) Switzerland.

[b19] Tajčmanová L, Podladchikov YY, Powell R, Moulas E, Vrijmoed J, Connolly JAD, (2013) A mechanical and chemical view of granulite-facies metamorphism: towards an unconventional barometry. Granulites and granulites 2013 (January 16-20, Hyderabad) India

[b18] Moulas E, Connolly, JAD, Podladchikov, YY, (2013) Non-linear porosity waves: The importance of rheology in the hydration of the crust. 2nd Minisymposium on Poroelasticity. (February 18, Zurich) Switzerland

[b17] Tajčmanová L, Vrijmoed J, Moulas E, (2013) Alternative interpretation of petrographic observations and consequences for thermodynamic calculations. Goldschmidt 2013 (August 25-30, Florence) Italy


[b16] Tajčmanová L, Podladchikov YY, Vrijmoed J, Moulas E, (2012) Grain scale pressure heterogeneity produced through a volume change associated with mineral reactions: An example from high-pressure granulites. 14th International Conference on Experimental Mineralogy Petrology Geochemistry (March 2012, Kiel) Germany.

[b15] Moulas E, Caddick MJ, Tisato N, Burg JP, (2012) Another dimension to metamorphic phase equilibria:  the power of interactive movies for understanding complex phase diagram sections. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2012, Vienna) Austria.

[b14] Vrijmoed JC, Podladchikov YY, Tajčmanová L, Moulas E, (2012) The length scale of eclogitization in dolerite of the Hustad igneous complex in the northermost UHP domain of the Western Gneiss Region in Norway. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2012, Vienna) Austria.

[b13] Tajčmanová L, Powell R, Podladchikov YY, Vrijmoed J, Moulas E, (2012) Grain scale pressure heterogeneity produced through volume change associated with mineral reaction. 22nd Goldschmidt Conference (June 2012, Montreal) Canada.

[b12] Tajčmanová L, Moulas E, Podladchikov YY, Vrijmoed J, (2012) Pressure heterogeneity produced through volume change associated with mineral reaction. GeoMod (July 2012, Lausanne) Switzerland.

[b11] Moulas E, Podladchikov YY, Vrijmoed J, Tajčmanová L, Simon N, Floess D, Baumgartner L, Burg JP, (2012) Transient Pressure and Temperature variations in crustal shear zones – a conservative approach. GeoMod (July 2012, Lausanne) Switzerland.

[b10] Tajčmanová L, Powell R, Podladchikov YY, Moulas E, Vrijmoed J, (2012) Mechanical and chemical equilibrium in high-grade metamorphic rocks: towards an unconventional barometry. GSA Annual Meeting (November 2012, Charlotte) USA.

[b9] Moulas E, Burg JP, Kostopoulos DK Schenker FL, (2012) Chemical zoning and ductility of natural garnet at lower crustal conditions: An example from the Rhodope Massif. 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2012, Bern) Switzerland.

[b8] Moulas E, Podladchikov YY, Vrijmoed J, Tajčmanová L, Simon N, Burg JP, (2012) Transient Temperature and Pressure variations in crustal shear zones – numerical modelling using local-thermodynamic equilibrium and a conservative approach. 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2012, Bern) Switzerland.


[b7] Schenker FL, Moulas E, Caddick MJ, Gerya T, Burg JP, (2011) HT thermal history of the intermediate-pressure metamorphism of Naxos (Greece): insights from modelling intra-crystalline diffusion of major elements in garnet. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (April 2011, Vienna) Austria.

[b6] Moulas E, Misra S, Burg JP, Kostopoulos DK, (2011) Na-bearing garnets with oriented lamellar inclusions – are those majorite precursors? A case study from the Rhodope Massif. 9th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2011, Zurich) Switzerland.


[b5] Moulas E, Kostopoulos DK, Connolly JAD, Burg JP, (2010) Ultra Sodic gedrite and micro-scale metasomatic processes in granulitised kyanite eclogites from the Rhodope UHPM Province, Greece. European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly (May 2010, Vienna) Austria.

[b4] Kostopoulos DK, Moulas E, Burg JP, (2010) First report of apatite with pyrrhotite exsolution lamellae in retrogressed Ky-eclogites from the Rhodope UHP metamorphic province (Greece). International Mineralogical Association (IMA) general meeting (August 2010, Budapest) Hungary.

[b3] Moulas E, Kostopoulos DK, Burg JP, Connolly JAD, (2010) High-precision P-T estimates for retrogressed kyanite eclogites from Thermes, central Rhodope (Greece). XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (September 2010, Thessaloniki) Greece.

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[b1] Moulas E, Kostopoulos DK, (2009) Metamorphic evolution of a kyanite-eclogite from Thermes, Rhodope Massif, Greece. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (November 2009, Neuchatel) Switzerland.